How to shop on BWW?
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How to shop on BWW

Select Product

Confirm Order

Pay for your order

Received Order

How to shop on BWW

Make one order in a few steps:

Step 1:  Browse and choose your product

Step 2: Add product to cart

Step 3:  Complete the checkout and payment process

Step 4: Track Your Order

Step 1: Browse and choose your product

Browse the Bww website or use the search bar to find the product you want to order.


Step 2: Add product to cart

Select the desired quantity of the product and click on the “Add to Cart” button. Review the contents of your cart and proceed to checkout.


Step 3:  Complete the checkout and payment process

Fill in your delivery address and choose a payment method. Review your order information and click on the “Confirm Order” button.

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Step 4: Track Your Order

You will receive an email with your order confirmation and a tracking link when your package is shipped. You can also track your order by logging into your Jumia account and clicking on the “My Orders” tab.'

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Note:  To ensure a smooth order process, please make sure to provide accurate and complete delivery information and choose a payment method that is available in your location.